The success story of Michael Mäurer and Andreas August Wirtz, who founded a soap factory in 1845.
Their market is limited to the town of Stolberg near Aachen. Their portfolio is manageable –Mäurer & Wirtz produces soft soaps, curd soaps, milled soaps for the textile industry and fine soaps. The point of sale may be a small dry goods store, yet the products from Michael Mäurer & Andreas August Wirtz from Stolberg create a buzz. Word of the quality gets around and demand increases.
A few years after it was founded, Haus Mäurer & Wirtz starts to expand. The local area is supplied by handcart, whereas products are delivered to Rhineland and Westphalia by horse-drawn carriage. This is followed by exports to neighbouring countries, to Belgium and the Netherlands. It’s not long before the company starts licensed production in Paris – and a shaving soaprecipe from Stolberg has become a bestseller in faraway San Francisco.
Mauer & Wirtz expands and moves with the times. The production of washing powder begins in 1884. A new factory is built shortly thereafter with electrification thanks to hydropower. The first trademarks were prospectively registered before the turn of the century, and the company prudently hired an in-house advertising specialist. To make sure logistics work without a hitch, the next fabric (built in 1913) receives its own rail connection.
Following this trajectory, the trade business gradually grows into an industrial company and global brand name. Soaps and detergents are soon just one mainstay of Mauer & Wirtz, with cosmetics and eau de cologne representing the other. Branded products emerge, conquering Germany and Europe, proving to be just as successful as they are durable – and shaping entire generations of consumers.
As an independent subsidiary of the Dalli Group, the Stolberg-based company is now active in more than 100 markets – a brand with unique experience and one of the leading companies in the field of fragrance and care. Thanks to a family that contributes not only expertise but also all their passion to the company, Mäurer & Wirtz has remained a true family business, which is now in its fifth generation. The founder Andreas August Wirtz once wished that his descendants “would continue this business with passion and love”. His wish has come true.
Michael Mäurer and stepson Andreas August Wirtz found a soap factory in Stolberg near Aachen. The curd soaps, soft soaps and fine soaps are soon also sold in the Rhineland, Westphalia, Belgium and the Netherlands.
The recipes from Stolberg are a hit all over the world – soap is produced under license in Paris, a shaving soap recipe is making a splash in San Francisco.
The company opens up a new business area with the production of washing powder.
With its new factory outside the city centre, the company is transfmored into an industrial enterprise. Hydropower supplies the new site with electricity.
Mäurer & Wirtz is expanding: Large-scale mass production begins on the new premises complete with its own rail connection.
Once the expansion is complete, luxury soaps are produced in Vienna, which also include the Tabac soap.
Production of these luxury soaps begins in Stolberg, laying the foundation for the sales program for our ’schen’ luxury products.
Two independent business divisions emerge from the umbrella brand dalli-Werke Mäurer & Wirtz: Mäurer & Wirtz (M&W) is now responsible for soaps and upscale personal care products in demand, whereas products marketed under the dalli brand (DMA) mainly include washing powders.
Establishment of the women’s Nonchalance product range. A soap is launched as the first product, followed a bit later by the Tabac Original men’s series.
Nonchalance launches on the market with an Eau de Cologne.
Launch of Pearl Soap, a soap with a pearlescent effect.
The family business takes on a new structure: Mäurer & Wirtz GmbH & Co. KG is created.
Mauer & Wirtz enters the licensing business and launches a fragrance line for Betty Barclay.
First licensed fragrances produced for the fashion label s.Oliver.
Launch of licensed fragrances under the Otto Kern brand.
Acqua Colonia is launched as a sub-brand of the 4711 brand.
In the premium segment, the first men’s fragrance is launched in collaboration with Strellson. Shortly after, this is followed by the launch of a men’s and women’s fragrance for renowned German designer Michael Michalsky.
Mauer & Wirtz takes over the fragrance business of the Baldessarini brand from Procter & & Gamble. All fragrances and personal care products are integrated into the Prestige segment.
A big party is held to celebrate the 170th anniversary of the Mäurer & Wirtz/DALLI-WERKE Group.
The fragrance brand Betty Barclay Fragrances celebrates its 25th birthday.
The Tabac brand turns 60, and the 4711 Acqua Colonia fragrance collection celebrates its 10th anniversary.
Mauer & Wirtz launches the new fragrance brands Route 66 and Les Destinations, and introduces its first D2C brand Orodion.
The iconic 4711 Original Eau de Cologne celebrates its 230th birthday. Mäurer & Wirtz launches its first sustainable fragrance brand, hej:pure.
Introduction of the sustainable fragrance brand CARE and collaboration with HSE under the brand umbrella THOM by Thomas Rath
Mauer & Wirtz is responsible for the fragrance, packaging development and production of the Noles 14 fragrance by influencer Farina Opoku and the introduction of licensed fragrances under the Thomas Rath Collection brand.
180th anniversary of the Mäurer & Wirtz/DALLI-WERKE group of companies
„Ich schätze bei Mäurer & Wirtz die Unternehmenskultur, die tatsächlich gelebt wird und nicht nur ein geschriebenes Wort ist.“
Jacqueline Zahlten, Purchasing Manager
„Es gibt jeden Tag neue, spannende Herausforderungen und Aufgaben auf den Beschaffungsmärkten zu meistern. Diese Herausforderungen gilt es im Team zu bewältigen, welches durch Erfahrungsreichtum, Agilität und Freundschaft geprägt ist.“
Florian Nysten, Purchasing Manager
„Das Tolle bei Mäurer & Wirtz ist, dass man nicht nur ein kleines Mosaiksteinchen eines riesigen Puzzles bearbeitet, sondern ein komplettes Aufgabengebiet von A–Z betreut. Das macht die Arbeit unheimlich spannend und vielseitig. Einfach weil man einen so hohen Gestaltungsspielraum hat.“
Yvonne Jussen, Director Human Resources
„Im Familienunternehmen Mäurer & Wirtz habe ich die Möglichkeit meine Ideen einzubringen und kann mein Aufgabengebiet aktiv mitgestalten.“
Nadine Knapp, Senior HR Development Manager
„Die Tätigkeit mit so vielen unterschiedlichen Düften ist nicht nur für die Nase sehr angenehm, sondern macht auch noch Spaß.“
Aaron Giese, Chemical Laboratory Technician
„Transparenz und das „Wir“-Gefühl sind für mich entscheidende Merkmale der Unternehmenskultur von Mäurer & Wirtz.“
Tobias Peckeruhn, Fertigungsplaner
„Man respektiert sich, vertraut einander und steht auch stressige Zeiten zusammen durch.“
Sebahat Gündüz, Schichtleiterin
„Besonders gefällt mir hier, dass wir uns innerhalb der Gruppe sehr gut verstehen und uns gegenseitig unterstützen.“
Nedime Ibraim, Maschinenführerin
„Erfolgreiches KAM heißt, die Brille des Kunden aufzusetzen und begeistern zu können!“
Gunda Marsell, Group Key Account Manager
„Was mir an meiner Tätigkeit besonders gefällt ist die Abwechslung und Flexibilität, die mir geboten wird.“
Andreas Mertens, Senior Key Account Manager
„Mich motiviert es, jungen Menschen die Tätigkeiten näherzubringen und sie auf ihrem Weg zu begleiten.“
Gabi Schoenen, Team Leader Customer Service
“Working here is an amazing journey that motivates me and challenges me to grow professionally.”
Romeo Pastore, Senior Area Manager
„Meine größte Motivation ist die Kreation von Produkten und Geschichten, die Menschen den Alltag oder besondere Momente verschönern.“
Dominik Diehl, Head of Brand Unit Own Brands & Prestige
„Insbesondere die Menschen in unserem Unternehmen sind eine große Motivation für meine Arbeit.“
Julia Dohmen, Senior Product & Project Manager
„Die Nähe zu den Führungspositionen ist kein Personalmarketing, sondern gelebter Alltag.“
Sebastian Breuer, Senior Category Manager
„Frei nach Ralph Boller: Im Zeichen des wachsenden Umweltbewusstseins brauchen wir keine Verpackungskünstler, sondern im Gegenteil Verpackungsvermeidungskünstler.“
Christiane Edelhoff, Head of Packaging Development
„Das positive Unternehmensbild, welches ich bereits zu Beginn meiner Ausbildung hatte, hat sich über die Jahre hinweg bestätigt.“
Laura Linnartz, Senior Trade Marketing Manager