Services offered by the house of perfumes
From bottling to full service
We produce fragrances and personal care products under our own brands and also offer our partner companies a number of different partnership models.
The options range from only bottling to full service including marketing and sales.
Our business segments can currently be broken down into proprietary brands, licence brands, collaborations and private labels, which illustrates the range of our services. It is especially our ability to act flexibly without being bound to rigid schemes that sets us apart. Despite all our international expansion, we continue to focus on approachability, short decision-making paths and individual solutions. Please feel free to contact us if you would like to discuss a potential joint project.

Proprietary brands
Independent and self-directed – this perfectly describes how we manage brand strategy, fragrance concepts, all operational project management and production along with the international marketing and distribution of our own brands from our Rhineland location. The example of 4711 shows that we can successfully manage a diverse product portfolio under one brand umbrella and breathe new life into historic brands. While 4711 Original Eau de Cologne is considered a classic and the reason behind the global success of the Eau de Cologne fragrance category, the sub-brand 4711 Acqua Colonia has successfully established itself as a prestige line for over ten years and, like the lifestyle brand 4711 Remix, regularly wins fragrance and beauty awards. Other examples of our multifaceted portfolio of proprietary brands include the niche fragrance brand Les Destinations, the men’s fragrance and care series Tabac, the sustainable fragrance brands hej:pure and Care along with a number of classic brands.
Licensed brands
Every day, we do all we can for the success of our licensed brands. That’s why fashion labels such as s.Oliver, Betty Barclay, Baldessarini and Otto Kern have entrusted us with the development, production, marketing and distribution of their licensed fragrance and care products. The s.Oliver Fragrances perfectly illustrates the potential we offer. With our main launches and limited editions, this fragrance brand has been one of the most successful series in the lifestyle segment in Germany for many years. Even when we provide full service, brand management is carried out in constant consultation with the licensor. We make proposals, contribute our fragrance expertise and creative excellence in product development, launch large international campaigns and cover the entire value-added chain – all according to the wishes of our licensor.

Before producing fragrances and care products for influencers and celebrities, we present them with a strategic concept backed by comprehensive personal advice. We guarantee products of the best quality in line with the strictest industry standards. In terms of design, we respond very specifically to the wishes of the respective celebrity and can take a variety of routes starting with the sustainability concept up to the prestige project. In addition to newly created beauty brands, we can also help with co-creations under the brand umbrellas of our existing fragrance brands as well as home accessories, fragrances or personal care products carrying the names of established influencer and celebrity brands. Our long-standing partnerships with food retailers, drugstores, perfumeries and e-retailers make nationwide distribution possible. The Orodion case, which we launched for the influencer jstin, impressively demonstrates the potential of our own D2C shops – within just six months, two fragrance drops in the specially launched online shop sold out in less than 24 hours.
Private labels
From product development and production for proprietary brands to solely bottling finished fragrance creations for existing beauty brands, we act as a manufacturer in various cases without being overtly visible. As a reliable and competent supplier as well as an advisory body, we can develop individual fragrance-based products for certain companies, present packaging materials, produce the products and label them with the desired brand name. We don’t just get requests from trading partners looking to launch their own fragrance and care lines: even labels such as Mavemade have also selected Mäurer & Wirtz as their producers.

In einer zunehmend komplexen und wettbewerbsintensiven Marktlandschaft ist die Wahl des richtigen Distributionspartners entscheidend für den Erfolg einer Marke. Marken wie FILA Fragrances vertrauen auf unsere Expertise, weil wir mehr bieten als nur eine einfache Distribution. Wir sind ein Partner, der die Strategie und Vision hinter einer Marke versteht und maßgeschneiderte Lösungen bietet, um diese erfolgreich im Markt zu etablieren. Mit mehr als 180 Jahren Erfahrung in der Duftbranche, einem weitreichenden Geschäftsnetzwerk und stark etablierten Partnerschaften bieten wir Ihnen die Expertise, die Sie für eine erfolgreiche Marktpräsenz benötigen. Als Mäurer & Wirtz sind wir der bevorzugte Lieferant für zahlreiche Einzelhändler und Parfümerien, die auf Qualität und Verlässlichkeit setzen. Unsere effizienten Logistiklösungen und unser hauseigenes Außendienstteam sorgen dafür, dass Ihre Produkte stets verfügbar sind und eine hohe Sichtbarkeit am Verkaufsort genießen. Ob stationärer Handel oder Onlineshop – wir stellen sicher, dass Ihre Marke die passende Präsenz erhält und in den relevanten Vertriebskanälen aus einem starken Wettbewerbsumfeld heraussticht.