Stolberg, 24 August 2017 – Steffen Seifarth has been appointed as new Managing Director of the perfume house Mäurer & Wirtz as of 01 September 2017. Thereby the company has gained a reputable expert to take the lead –together with the Managing Partner, Dr. Hermann Wirtz.
Steffen Seifarth is 49 years old and lives in Frankfurt/Main. Having graduated with a business management degree, he started his career in 1994 at Procter & Gamble. There he held various positions in the Marketing Department. In the year 2000, Steffen Seifarth took over the position as Marketing Director Europe within a company in the media sector. In 2002 he moved to the Coty/Lancaster-Group – the leading company in the fragrance and cosmetic sector. He worked there for five years as General Manager Germany and finally held the overall entrepreneurial responsibility for the prestige sector in Central and Eastern Europe. After a period of working as a freelance consultant he will now continue his career at Mäurer & Wirtz.
“We are convinced that -thanks to his experience in the marketing and sales area as well as his extensive network- Steffen Seifarth will be in the position to maintain the positive development of Mäurer & Wirtz and continue to lead our company to a prosperous and secure future”, said Dr. Hermann Wirtz.